This year has been so weird in many ways.. It’s been a year in which we have all looked in the mirror without filters. But it’s been a creative year as well. Âme Nomade was born in 2020, after the first lockdown, to embrace feminity and transfer the vibes of another world..

So for me it’s been a year to embrace the origins, to create a sacred home surrounded by nomad treasures, a year to connect with nature and create beautiful well-being rituals, this is the only way in which I have found calm lately.

This year has been a journey in many ways, but I feel that soon we will shine again, do you feel this way?

If you are still looking for the perfect gift, you can give away a gift card through mail or to order any of the treasures in the shop.

Wishing you a merry merry Christmas,
Maria Ntouma
Creative director – founder of Âme Nomade

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